Vintage Woodworking Tool Dealers
Welcome to hackney tools, based in the east end of london in the uk. if you would like to sell some old woodworking tools, email me on, or you. Books on old tools. we maintain a good supply of books about tools and related items. all of our prices include. (wooden playthings - playful plans - rope walker) playful plans is an extension of kevin mcguire's thirty-five-year career as a woodworker and twenty years authoring.
Vintage rabone no: 1902 adjustable combination square 9" ruler
Vintage marples & sons 9" drawknife - nice old woodworking
Good boxed stanley no: 803 eggbeater hand drill - model
A6292 disston hole saw, 12"long engraved blade. disston hole saw, 12"long engraved blade, a little bend in blade and a thicker blade also $. Record no. 060½ block plane. a 12½ degree low angle block plane introduced to the product line in the early 1980's. featured an adjustable mouth.. Bespoke since the beginning. the jackson custom shop has turned out world-class custom guitars ranging from the fine to the fantastic ever since the jackson name was.
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